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Support Families Experiencing Homelessness and Protect the Right to Shelter

Updated: Nov 4, 2024

Posted October 24, 2023; last updated December 4, 2023

  • Supplemental budget update: On November 30th, House and Senate leadership announced that a compromise had been reached on the pending supplemental budget, which includes $250 million to address family homelessness issues as well as language to require the Administration to create at least one overflow shelter site for families who have been placed on the waiting list for longer-term shelter placements. See House Bill 4204, line item 1599-0514, starting on the bottom of page 5. Now both the House and Senate have to vote on the supp budget before it can be sent to Governor Healey and ultimately become law. Based on the established legislative calendar, the House and Senate only have been holding informal sessions since November 16th. During informal sessions (which are scheduled from November 16th–January 2nd), legislation can be stalled if one or more legislators object. On November 30th, December 1st, and December 2nd, House Republicans objected to movement of the bill (by doubting the presence of a quorum) when Democratic House leaders attempted their first three votes on the supp budget. On December 4th, the House met again in an informal session to take up the supplemental budget, with a quorum present, and passed the supplemental budget. The bill is now being discussed on the floor of the Senate: video of 12/4/23 Senate session

  • Please thank your State Representative and Senator for coming to a compromise and call on them to do all they can to ensure that the supplemental budget passes as quickly as possible to provide greater safety and stability for children and families.

  • Sample script: “Hello, my name is [your name] and I live in [your city/town]. Please do all you can to make sure that the supplemental budget is passed as swiftly as possible. I am grateful that the compromise bill includes language to ensure that the state provides overflow shelter spaces to children and families deemed eligible for Emergency Assistance but who are put on a waiting list. I am very worried about the children and families who are being put on the waiting list now who have no safe place to sleep. Thank you!”

  • How to contact your legislators: Unsure who your State Representative and State Senator are? Find them by entering your address or the address where you are staying here: or by calling the State House switchboard at 617-722-2000.

  • Next steps: After reaching out, let us know you took action and share any feedback by emailing Kelly.

  • November 20th candlelight vigil update: Thank you to everyone who joined us for our candlelight vigil at the State House and at local solidarity events to support children and families experiencing homelessness!  

  • Vigil videos and photos: Google Photos album

  • Keep up the pressure at the State House: Weigh in with State Legislators to push for swift passage of $250 million in supplemental funding for family shelters and services plus language to require the Healey Administration to create overflow shelter spaces to serve all families put on the Emergency Assistance family shelter waiting list. See our November 17th action alert for a call script and call details.

  • Invitation to our November 20th vigil in front of the State House: Please join the Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless, Massachusetts Law Reform Institute, and allied organizations for a candlelight vigil this Monday, November 20th, 4–5 p.m. in front of the Massachusetts State House to show support for families and children experiencing homelessness and to call on state leaders to establish overflow shelter sites for families on the waiting list for longer-term shelter placements.

  • Who: Families, advocates, providers, community leaders, faith community members, and more

  • What: Vigil to show support for families and children experiencing homelessness and to call on state leaders to establish overflow shelter sites for families on the waiting list for longer-term shelter placements

  • When: Monday, November 20th, 4–5 p.m.

  • Where: In front of the Massachusetts State House, 24 Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02133, across from the Boston Common

  • RSVP form and more details:

  • Recommendations to the Governor, Legislature, and others from the the Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless, Massachusetts Law Reform Institute, Citizens’ Housing and Planning Association, the Moving Beyond the Emergency Working Group, and allied organizations: See our recommendations and updated list of endorsing organizations, as of November 27, 2023.

  • Invitation to our Halloween Day action in front of the State House: Governor Healey announced on October 16th that the state no longer will guarantee access to Emergency Assistance (EA) shelter for eligible children and families after October 31st. Please join the Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless, Massachusetts Law Reform Institute, and allies in front of the Massachusetts State House on Tuesday, October 31st, 11 a.m.–12 p.m. for an action/press conference. We will call on the Healey Administration to uphold the right to shelter and on the Legislature to immediately provide the supplemental funding needed to keep families safe and the doors to shelter open, while the state scales up homelessness prevention, housing resources, and support services for all families experiencing homelessness. Can’t come in person? We have shared a sample call script below so you can reach out to your State Representative and Senator today.

  • Who: Families, advocates, providers, community leaders, faith community members, legislators, members of the media, and more

  • What: Halloween Day action/press conference to uphold the right to shelter for families with children

  • Halloween call-in day details:

  • Sample script: “Hello, my name is [your name] and I live in [your city/town]. I am very worried about families and children who will have no place to sleep if the state limits access to the family shelter system, as announced by the Governor. Please pass the supplemental budget as soon as possible so children and families are not forced to sleep out in the cold. Thank you!”

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